‘Poverty’ Like We’ve Never Seen It
The Never-ending Crisis Requires Never-ending Government Solutions
We Are Surely On The Road To Serfdom
One Of Dear Leader’s Cronies Once Said ” You Never Want A Serious Crisis To Go To Waste ” . And If The Crisis Doesn’t Exist , You Create One .
” This breathtaking number begs the question: What does it mean to be “poor” in the United States?
To the average American, the word “poverty” means significant material hardship and need. It means lack of a warm, dry home, recurring hunger and malnutrition, no medical care, worn-out clothes for the children. The mainstream media reinforce this view: The typical TV news story on poverty features a homeless family with kids living in the back of a van.
While the old poverty measure counted absolute purchasing power (how much steak and potatoes you can buy), the new measure counts comparative purchasing power (how much steak and potatoes you can buy relative to other people.)”
“They’ll Turn Us All Into Beggars …’Cause They’re Easier To Please’ … Don’t Take None Of That Government Cheese
Related articles
- Obama parties like a prince, while presiding over a pauper economy (humanevents.com)
- Censored: Poverty Report in Germany (zerohedge.com)
- How Benjamin Franklin Made New England Prosperous (21stcenturycicero.wordpress.com)
- The Workhouses of England and Wales (texthistory.wordpress.com)
- ‘Poverty’ like we’ve never seen it (illinoisreview.typepad.com)